Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Terra Madre Days 4 and 5

IT Journal
Oct. 25, 26, 2014

Terra Madre Day 4&5

We have been tasting, but now we are eating whole meals that are part of the Terra Madre program. The chefs are outdoing themselves, and we are enjoying their dishes!

Enzo and Lisa joined us at the festival, and that made it even that much more fun. Our dinner was one of the Eat Ins that was called “From Head to Tail,” and among the dishes that were made, almost every part of an animal’s body was included…just use your imagination for those details! It was most interesting, and there were lots of people there that we knew. Another great fun day at Terra Madre/Salone del Gusto!

Thanks for joining us, Enzo and Lisa!


Monday, October 27, 2014

Terra Madre Day 3

IT Journal
October 24, 2014

Terra Madre 3rd Day!

This party has turned into a party that’s all about solidifying old friendships and making new ones. We have run into many of the students that were in Peter’s class at the University and some of the people from Georgia that we will enjoy visiting when our Italian students come for a tour of the Southeast in November. It’s so good to see everyone.

Peter and I led a few tours to some of our favorite producers that are at the Terra Madre. The people on the tours really enjoyed going with us, and they enjoyed meeting the producers of black bee honey, sausage, cheese, prociutto, black bread, and olive oil. More great fun was had by all.

We wish all of you could experience Terra Madre and Salone Del Gusto. It’s quite a large event, but it’s worth it when you get to see so many people and products from so many countries!

Ciao! Ciao!



IT. Journal
Oct. 22-23, 2014


There are more pictures of this Sunday Supper with actual participants that will come later. For now, just know we had a wonderful time reuniting with great friends as if we just saw them yesterday! What a delightful time! Sunday Suppers RULE!!!


Peter and I are helping to conduct a tour for 9 Italian students at his University of Gastronomic Sciences in Bra and their adult leader Francesco, a dear friend of ours. We had our first meeting with some of the group, and it was simply delightful. They are very excited about the itinerary and asked fantastic questions, indicating they were looking forward to an in depth visit into the Southeast USA in November!


Finally! We have arrived in Turin, and Terra Madre/Salone del Gusto are in full swing. What a party!!!

As usual, the most impressive thing about the opening ceremonies was the Parade of Slow Food Nations! It’s hard to see in these pictures, but there was a constant parade of international representatives who proudly carried their national flags to be displayed at the front of the theater. The announcer introduced a country name about every 5 seconds, and the parade lasted more than 20 minutes. It was so heart-warming to see so many nations come together for the central purpose of  addressing the need for “good, clean and fair food for all!”

The next day, the 5 buildings (each football field size or more) began their march through the festival with beautiful displays and indescribably delicious tasting experiences. It’s hard to remember in that environment that suitcases that are over the allowed weight limit are very expensive to get back home. We regularly see Terra Madre participants with large pockets on their clothing, loaded with wonderful wares. Care must be given that food coming back into the States should be packed correctly, though.

The crowds will continue to grow until Saturday, when we will spend most of our time trying to get from one place to another.
Ciao! Colleen

Dinner with Mara and Valerio

US Journal
Oct. 20, 2014

Dinner with Mara and Valerio

It’s very interesting how a small idea can turn into a big plan, all in one night. I knew that Valerio and Mara only had one day each week off, so I suggested that we get together on Monday night, and Mara turned it into a lovely invitation to dinner in their wonderful home. Monica was with me when they invited us, and Mara wanted to include Monica in the invitation. Then, a few days later, I received an email from Mara saying that Ricardo, Lella and their twin daughters, all of whom were present the last time we were invited by Mara and Valerio to have supper in their home, asked if they could join us. What another great idea!

Our delicious 4-course meal made a perfect venue for speaking English and Italian, getting caught up with each other and…this is very important…planning for the twins and Giovani to visit Monica and us in Atlanta next Summer!!! What a delightful idea. Plus, Giovani thought it would be fun to have his good friend Philipe to come along, so now there are 4. Monica and I stopped by the Pasta shop the next day, and Mara verified that all 4 of the young people were very excited about this adventure. We’re excited about their visit, too.

Then it occurred to me that there was really no reason to leave out Valerio, Mara and Alberto, so I put some pressure on Valerio to think about a trip to Atlanta for all of them some time soon. How’s that for more good news!?

Thank you so very much, Mara and Valerio for sharing your home, wonderful meal, family and friends with us! You are truly dear friends. We’re looking forward to hosting you and all of the young people! Oh, please bring with you Ricardo and Lella!

A presto!



US Journal
Oct. 18, 2014 (Evening)


What a treat to be invited into the home of our Romanian friends to a real, authentic Romanian dinner. Lucia (pronounced beautifully “loo CHEE ah”) and her husband Pop introduced us first to their precious 2 year old daughter Serena, who was surely not very serene, but she was a happy, lively, delightful 2 year old. It was such fun to get to know her. She finally crashed and went to bed at 9pm, which is her normal bedtime. Her mother and father are terrific parents. You can tell by the way they all interact.

Our meal was a true Romanian cultural experience. First, we had a plate of sausages that were a wonderful beginning to our meal. Afterwards, we continued with a scrumptious soup, Lucia explained that most Romanian dinners include soup. In the history of their country, hard times necessitated the prudent use of the food that they had. So, if they could get a chicken, the first step would be to cook the chicken and use the liquid as the broth for the soup. Nothing was wasted! In the soup, were whole carrots and onions, with tiny fettucine noodles. It was superb!

Next, we had a veal ragu with pollenta that was as delicious as anything I have ever tasted. That was followed by a cake that had an unusually delicious flavor to it. I will ask Lucia about the recipe. This cake was topped with gelato and some fruit…a perfect ending to a perfect meal. We had a tasty Romanian wine to go with the meal. The whole thing was outstanding.

After dinner, we watched a short video that talked about all the important discoveries in history that were initiated by Romanians, including insulin and computers! What an important part they played in the history of our world!!! Very interesting!

Thank you so much, Lucia, Pop and Serena! Your hospitality and wonderful meal made us feel very proud of Romania and very close to all of you!

We hope to see you again soon!



US Journal
Oct. 18, 2014


When Peter and I arrived at Enzo and Lisa’s house this afternoon, we found Alice, Lisa’s daughter, “asleep” under the outdoor porch…”asleep” with her eyes closed, her earplugs in her ears and attached to her phone, and she was grooving to some music. She thought it was a little less than funny when she discovered that I had taken her picture in that situation.

We all enjoyed a short visit under their gazebo, then we walked up the hill to visit Alice’s grandparents, Gianni and Ella. Gianni is making great improvement in his health, even though he is still in a wheel chair most of the time. He has a goal of walking much better by Christmas. Everyone is cheering him on! We can tell he’s better because he has piles of books in his sitting room that he is using as research to write his next book. He is a prolific writing. All of the history of this area of Italy has been documented in his books! Gianni’s wife Ella is doing well and is beautiful, as usual. I can’t say enough about how good her apple tart was today, too. I could eat that yummy pastry every day and be very happy!

Many of their family came by to visit while we were there. Our Monica was there with Eletra, who is home for the weekend from her new university in Genoa. Eletra’s twin sisters Demi and Becky were pleased to greet Alice, and all four of the cousins were happy to be together and welcome Monica into their sisterhood.

It was such fun to spend this quality time with so much of their family. Thank you all for such a pleasant afternoon together. Save me some of that apple tart, Ella. Wow! That was so very delicious!

Much love to all,


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Opening Arpino!

US Journal
Oct. 18, 2014

Opening Arpino!

After a full day of Bra-isms, we had a short, but fantastic, visit with our Francesco and Sara before we met Enzo and Lisa at the grand opening of Arpino, the bar down the street that our dear friend Marco, whom we met at Bar Chiavassa, is now managing. It was full, and people were happy out in the street. We were proud of the work that Marco has done to make this place welcoming and fun for all. Our wonderful former neighbors Bianca and Nora wandered by, and we made plans with them to get together while we are here. We also particularly enjoyed our visit with Enzo and Lisa, too, since Lisa has been in Milan all week. Great fun to reconnect with all those friends!

Love to all,
